Facilities Management (FM) Safe Campus Support

The following outlines FM’s services provided supporting University of Minnesota Safe Campus

Building Signage

FM is responsible for posting messaging in public areas of buildings including exterior doors, entrances, lobbies, restrooms, entrances, and lobbies. The following messaging is currently posted:

  • CDC poster on how to prevent the spread of germs posted in lobbies and public areas 
  • MDH poster on proper hand washing techniques posted in every restroom
  • Building access hours and deliveries information at most building entrances - visit mailing.umn.edu for more information about deliveries
  • UMN Safety Campaign posters are available on the Safe Campus site for departments to use in departmental spaces

Visit University policy Distribution of Temporary Information through Publications, Signs, Banners or Chalking and Twin Cities Campus Specific Requirements for more information about posting. Requests for interior, exterior and custom signs and graphics go through Signs & Graphics signshop@umn.edu / (612) 625-9317

Hand Sanitizers

Each building entry lobby area includes a wall mount or free standing hand sanitizer dispenser which is refilled regularly. Requests for supplemental dispensers in other public spaces go through the FM Call Center fmcc@umn.edu / (612) 624-2900.


Regular housekeeping practices followed by FM may be found in the FM Maroon Standards. They include routine cleaning and sanitizing of work surfaces, equipment, tools, and machinery, and areas in the work environment, including restrooms, break rooms, lunchrooms, and meeting rooms. All cleaning products meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.

Please visit U Market to order available PPE and supplies for departmental use.

HVAC Systems

Maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment is crucial for any building, and the Facilities Management (FM) department plays a vital role in ensuring this through their strategies for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. These strategies are based on industry guidelines, including those set by organizations like ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control), which prioritize the well-being of occupants.

The Facilities Management department is responsible for operating and maintaining the campus HVAC systems. This includes all routine maintenance, repairs and preventative maintenance required to keep the systems operating as designed.

The FM department at UMN Twin Cities campus has formed the Healthy Buildings Workgroup, consisting of specialists from various fields to offer recommendations for HVAC system operation. This workgroup promotes both occupant comfort and energy efficiency. The strategies are outlined below.

General HVAC Strategies

Large group spaces have been evaluated to meet ASHRAE issued guidance for HVAC systems. See categories below for more information. Other building spaces such as conference rooms, corridors, and toilet spaces are not considered large group settings, and the HVAC systems serving these space types operate as designed.

Classrooms and Libraries

To ensure healthy air quality, general HVAC strategies are applied to systems serving large group classroom and library spaces. The majority of classrooms meet the required guidance. For the remaining classrooms, FM has purchased, installed, and maintained portable air filtration units the meet the recommended standards.

Office Space Overview

Office spaces including private offices, office suites, conference rooms, corridors, and toilet spaces are not considered large group settings. HVAC systems serving these space types operate as designed.

Laboratories and Clinical Spaces Overview

Laboratory and clinical spaces require HVAC system performance that exceeds industry guidance for general use spaces and are governed by more stringent codes.

Residential Life Overview

Residence halls including sleeping rooms, lounge spaces, conference rooms, corridors, and toilet spaces are not considered large group settings and ventilation systems serving these space types operate as designed.

FM Call Center and Additional Resources:

For any issues or concerns regarding building HVAC systems or air filtration units, the FM Call Center is available at (612) 624-2900 or fmcc@umn.edu.

If you have questions about healthy buildings or air quality, you can reach out to UHS at (612) 626-6002 or uhs@umn.edu.

Facilities Management is committed to creating healthy, comfortable, and sustainable indoor environments for its campus community.