Facility Roles Program

The Facility Roles Program (FRP) clarifies lines of authority and responsibilities regarding facilities access, space, communication and coordination among all Twin Cities campus academic and administrative units. It further provides streamlined communications between University services functions and employees in these roles. 

The program is managed by the Facilities Management Chief of Staff and partners with Public Safety; Health, Safety & Risk Management (HSRM); Planning, Space and Real Estate (PSRE); Facilities Information Services (FIS); and other University operations and management services groups.

The Facility Roles Program aligns to the University's existing financial structure of Resource Responsibility Centers. The Dean or Department Head appoints the RRC Facility Lead (RRC-FL) for their RRC. The RRC-FL represents their unit and speaks on behalf of their Dean/Dept Head. List of current RRC-FL contacts.

The RRC-FL appoints Department Facility Representatives (DFRs) who have the authority to grant department access, update space information, partner for services, and help with communications for their departments. The FRP Overview and Roles Description document provides comprehensive definitions and descriptions for the Facility Roles Program and the roles in the program, including the RRC-FL, DFRs, and the Primary Building Contact (PBC). It also defines the responsibilities for each role.

Resources and information for Facility Roles Program members can be found in MyU under the MANAGE BLDG section.

For FRP questions or assistance contact frp@umn.edu.

Learn more about how the Facility Roles Program came to be in this brief history and orientation.