Photographs & Photo Paper

three photographs and photo paper
  Can this item be recycled?

Yes, photographs and photo paper may be recycled in the "Paper" containers with gold lids.

  Can this item be sent to ReUse?

Unused photo paper can be sent to the UMN ReUse Program. Label the item for ReUse and drop it off at a ReUse pick-up location. Find your nearest drop-off location here. 

 Should this item be managed as hazardous waste?

If they are negatives or film, contact the Hazardous Materials program. For service requests, use FM Call Center 612-624-2900.


Recycling Program: 
Phone: 612-625-8084

ReUse Program:
Phone: 612-626-9152

Health Safety and Risk Management:
Phone: 612-626-1604

  Rethink & reduce tips

Opt for digitally stored photos.

Recycling Services

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Recycling Services

Scheduling a departmental cleanout

For office or building clean-outs, the Recycling Program will supply large recycling containers on wheels (hampers) for your department purge. Place all reusable and recyclable materials in the hamper. For service requests, use FM Call Center 612-624-2900.

Recycling confidential materials

If you have confidential material that you would like picked up for recycling, you may submit a request form at Call 612-625-6481 for assistance. We provide locked confidential containers and offer direct pickup from your office, however we are not HIPAA compliant. If you need a higher level of security, there are companies in the metropolitan area that can provide the confidential destruction and recycling of documents for a fee. For service requests, use FM Call Center 612-624-2900.

Reporting overflowing recycling / trash containers

Call the Facilities Management Call Center at 612-624-2900 to report an overflow.

What should go to the ReUse Center?

The University ReUse Program has surplus office furniture, supplies, and equipment available to University departments or individuals for purchase. The Reuse Program is located at 883 29th Avenue, S.E., Minneapolis.